Nature Break Tips
Whether you use the Nature Rx App or set out on your own, the following suggestions can be helpful for anyone, anywhere to enjoy the benefits of nature on your journey to restore and recharge your day:
Use the Nature Rx app to find a spot where you can feel safe and comfortable
If needed, set a timer for your break, then consider putting away your phone and other digital devices
Be open to fresh experiences and self compassion, and slow down
Give yourself the grace of time. It may take a few moments to direct your attention to nature and away from distractions
Look, listen, breathe, and use your senses
Ideas for Inspiration & Creativity
Use these ideas as a guide to find wonder and restoration
Look for small wonders, like a weed persisting in a crack in the concrete
Water: notice water in all its forms: fog, clouds, snow, rain, condensation, ice
Sunrise and Sunset
A cloudy day
A sunny day
A wintry day
Trees: whether they have green and full leaves of summer, barren and sprawling branches of winter, mosaics of yellows and reds of autumn, or bursting and hopeful blooms of spring
Count trees
Check out tree bark–using all senses. What does it feel like?
Get a plant or add to your collection - plants may die but take solace and slowness in the journey
Listen for birds
Focus on one piece of grass. How does it move in the wind? How does it react to changes in sunlight?
Feel the wind, sun, rain, snow
Try bringing a pencil and a piece of paper and draw what you see
Talk with friends, clubs, groups, staffs, about needing to pause and take breaks throughout the day. How do other people restore themselves?
Set a time on your phone or computer to remind yourself to pause throughout the day