The U-M Nature Rx website was officially launched in March!
Membership of more than 70 colleges and universities in the US – even more worldwide
DigitalUx Team in ITS creates Nature Rx beta in Michigan App where students, staff, faculty and the Ann Arbor community can easily access relaxing spots in nature in Ann Arbor
U-M Voices of the Staff started supporting Nature Rx during the COVID-19 Pandemic, the project team, with much additional help from our sponsors and collaborators released a NatureRx App in the Michigan App. This app comprises 100 locations in and around Ann Arbor where community members can immerse themselves in nature.
Initial partnership between Cornell, UC- Davis, Minnesota, and William & Mary for NatureRx university groups, CNRx Community
A nursing student interning with U-M Matthaei Botanical Gardens took note of how nature can help students bolster their mental wellbeing. Following her foresight, a coalition of students mapped out 100 locations around U-M in ArcGIS. These locations were centers of nature and relaxation.
Beginning of Campus NatureRx at Cornell University where Don Rackow adopts the program
ParksRx with NPS physicians beginning the program in the United States
460 BC - 216 AD
The act of prescribing time outdoors can be traced all the way to Ancient Greece and the philosopher Hippocrates.
Susruta from India (3-4 AD), Galen from Rome (129-216 AD), and Hippocrates from Greece (460-370 BC) first prescribed nature