In The News!
Nature Rx will help you to find quiet places of relaxation at U-M & Ann Arbor, spend time outdoors in nature, find green time and not screen time, and of course, think green and go blue!
Planet Blue Ambassador Program: Practicing Winter Wellness: Lessons Learned from the Nature Rx Symposium
Office of U-M President Ono: November 2024 Portrait of a Wolverine -
Planet Blue Student Ambassadors Podcast: Join University of Michigan Planet Blue Student Leaders as they discuss local and global environmental issues.
The University Record: Symposium to help U-M community focus on nature for well-being
Planet Blue Ambassador Program: Nature Rx – How Nature Can Make You a Healthier, Happier You!
University Human Resources News: You're Invited to the Nature for Wellness Symposium
University Human Resources News: Embrace Nature for Mental Restoration
MHealthy Living: From the Chief Health Officer's Desk
University Human Resources News: Pause and Unplug to Foster Focus
The University Record: Michigan App upgrade encourages nature exploration
The University Record: U-M broadens outreach, access to mental health services, resources